Impact Reporting for Non-Profits

Maximize your nonprofit's impact with Givelife365's CRM software. Easily track and report key performance indicators, generate customizable impact reports, and make data-driven decisions to showcase your organization's success

Impact Reporting for Non-Profits

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Share your impact with the world

Share your impact with the world

The landscape of fundraising has changed over the last few years. Donors expect a more professional, personalized experience with Non-Profit organizations. And they want to know that their contributions are making a positive impact.

Non-Profit and charity organizations must strive for transparency, connecting donor dollars to impact. There is a need for a solution that will work for you to meet these expectations.

Michael Boeglin, Senior Director of Information Technology at Mercy Corps said on their digital transformation with Microsoft, “Trust is about having the transparency to show what you’re doing and prove donor or grant money is well spent. Communication and data-backed results help build trust with our donors.”

GiveLife365 makes it easy to build and share a Non-Profit impact report through data transparency and accuracy. It enables you to align fundraising, program delivery, finance, and operations with actionable insights and impact on a purpose-built platform.

Impact Reporting Simplified

Impact Reporting Simplified

GiveLife365’s impact reporting module helps you to streamline the way you capture, monitor and produce real-time reports on your financial, social and environmental impact.

What it does:

  • Automatically track recent fundraising activity and transactions raised for current and previous campaigns, grants or any other source of funding.
  • Fund allocation to a particular program or project
  • Track important metrics like donor retention rate, acquisition rate and average gift size
  • Allows you to accurately measure program outcomes and tie them to donations
  • Aggregate revenue and expense transactions to provide greater visibility into program sustainability and financial transparency.

Get an accurate, real-time view of fundraising and financial outcome

GiveLife365 makes impact reporting simple and enables you to build trust with all your stakeholders through the transparency of data.

Want to see how it works?

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